Saturday, December 3, 2011

Late Nites Early Mornings - Let's Dance

So last night I went to a party at a club. Okay I hadn't been to a club probably ALL year Yes I said ALL year...Don't judge me LOL I mean the older I've gotten (God I sound like I'm 60, LOL) I've just gotten out of the clubbing mode. I guess I did it so much during my early 20's that I burnt out pretty fast. Ne ways so I'm out last night and of course I was people watching and I noticed a lot of people were dancing and having fun and others were just standing around. But I noticed this one guy, he was older probably mid 40's but he was getting it, I mean he was dancing his little heart out he never set down and he danced from the front to the back of the club.He popped locked it, dropped it low, spun it around and did the stanky leg. I mean he had a damn good time, and never stopped smiling. So looking at this guy, I was amazed by his dancing skills cause Mr. broke it down, but it also got me thinking...

Is life really that bad? We complain we get upset, we worry , we stress. We let life get the best of us, and we never stop to think is it really that bad? We don't just step back and enjoy... I mean it could always be worse. I'm so guilty of this. I look at what I don't have, I allow my past to control me but I never stop to think about all that God has blessed me with with. I mean I'm truly blessed. Things could be so much worst but their not. I have so much to be thankful for.

So looking at the guy last night made me realize that life is too short and I should be dancing every damn day! Everyday??? Yes everyday because everyday that God gives me is a blessing in itself. Enjoy it DANCE, dance until you can't dance anymore, live life to the fullest and make everyday count, but most importantly be thankful don't look at what you don't have or where your not at but thank God for the now and what you do have because it always could be worse.

So Let's Dance


  1. Loving those shoes
    Twitter: @milesoffashion

  2. Thanks Honey, their one of my fav pair...
