Monday, December 5, 2011

Average Beauty

I'm an cost accountant for a major Oil and Gas company, I'm currently working on a project where I'm located with a few more people on my team at an engineering firm . I'm pretty much surrounded by men, and the few woman that do work on my floor are rather older than me however very opinionated. Recently while having lunch with a few of the ladies we started talking about the typical girly stuff, clothes, shoes, hair and beauty. One of the ladies says Lindsey you're cute, you're not beautiful but you're what we called back in my day an "Average Beauty"... Wait, STOP, WTH is an average beauty?!?! Of course the look on my face was priceless because that was a first. She goes on to tell me what HER definition of an "Average Beauty" is!

Ok so "Average Beauty" (her definition) is someone that is not supermodel gorgeous, not ugly, a cross between, semi natural beauty, and a plain Jane... LMAO Wait she couldn't be serious right? Um Wrong this woman was really serious. She goes on to say that an "Average Beauty" is your girl next door. She'll never be a socialite, never become famous, is admired by most men, but could never marry anyone with elite status, such as an Athlete, Rapper, Singer, Model etc. Basically anyone in the public eye. (Sweet Baby Jesus) this woman has lost her mind. So she goes on to tell me I'm not at the point where I've fully came into my womanhood and usually woman don't come into it until there 40's. She goes on to critique me and tell me things I should do to enhance my "Average Beauty" ie. never leave home without a full face of makeup, always wear accessories, no ponytails, and never wear sneakers. Oh and I should lose 20lbs because of my height and frame and my butt and breast are big. This Heffa is IGNORANT!!! Yes, I said it. Only someone who is insecure, and ignorant would come up with something so ridiculous.

Ok now I've had time to wrap my mind around this conversation and this is what I've come up with. There is no "Average Beauty" Personally I feel everyone is beautiful in their own right. I believe a person's attitude and behavior is what makes them unattractive. Secondly I LOVE me some ME!I believe and know that I am beautiful, i carry myself with high regards because if I don't love and respect me I can't expect anyone else to. There is in NO way anything "Average" about me. I'm a girly, girly in all sense of the saying but I also know that every occasion doesn't require my beloved 5in heels. Just as I love heels,I love my sneakers and baseball caps. Makeup for me is like an accessory, it's not a necessity, I don't put it on everyday, I love my natural beauty. I've been blessed with great genes. I love my curves. I think society has placed unrealistic expectations on what a woman should look like and what beauty is. I'm 5'6 1/2 and I love my size. I know I'm super sexy as I like to say. Yeah I could stand to tone up but nothing is perfect there's always room for improvement.

As far as who I'll marry, only God knows. It could be anyone no matter what their social status is my concern is that he loves me unconditionally, respects me and treats and adores me, makes me feel safe and we can grow old together. People are so stuck on looks when they should be focused on that person as a person. I've seen some gorgeous women have the ugliest attitudes and personalities and they just became ugly to me all over. I also believe people live in unrealistic worlds when it comes to beauty, at the end of the day everyone we see on t.v etc has a flaw. When the makeup comes off, the extensions are taken out, no glam squad in sight we're all left with the same blank canvas.

So to ALL my Ladies and Gents no matter how big or small, know you're BEAUTIFUL, there's no such thing as an "Average Beauty"

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